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Register for the Vehicle Import System

 Title*  Date of Birth*
First Name* Phone (work)*
Last Name* Phone (home)
Create Password** Phone (mobile)
Confirm Password**   Fax
   Email Address* Identity Document* (Max size of Identity Document file is 5MB)
 Confirm Email*    
SECURITY QUESTIONS: Please answer all the 3 questions below.
No duplicate answers are allowed, and each answer must be at least 2 characters in length.
What is your mother's maiden name?
What is the last name of your childhood best friend?
What is your first pet's name?
Physical Address   Postal Address*
Street 1* Street 1*
Street 2 Street 2
Suburb* Suburb*
State* State*
Postcode* Postcode*
Country* Country*

* Mandatory field

** Password must be at least 10 characters long, and contain at least one of each of the following: lower or upper case letter, a number, a symbol character (e.g. $, %, !)